
Welcome to the website of DEFENSIEBRANDWEER NL, a meeting place with and about all firefighting activities of the Dutch Ministry of Defense from the past to the present in words and images. This website has NO official status and is NOT part of the Dutch Ministry of Defence. WE ARE LIVE FROM TUESDAY MAY 17 2022!

Our website is in dutch language. However, a lot of items can be easily recognized. And use Google Translate if needed.

This unique website was created on 06-04-2020 and is not yet fully grown, we are working hard on the layout and filling. More and more pages and lists appear via the menu. Like the location list, all links to location pages are ready. The individual location pages are there. The License Plate Register is also being expanded. And approx. 180 pedigree cards of Defense fire-fighting vehicles. We work with a responsive theme so that we are clearly visible on PC, tablet and mobile phone.

We do our best to inform you about important and sometimes unimportant matters.

A lot is happening in the (Dutch) military firefighting world, which may also be of interest to you. Take a look at the various pages, which can be reached by sliding the mouse pointer over the tabs and clicking on the desired words.

The data is checked regularly and a number of people have been approached to fill and update the pages. We will mention those who have cooperated on our ‘Credits’ page.

Do you have any copy, photos or other things worth knowing that fit this website? Hurray!

Lots of fun! And do let us know what you think! Preferably e-mail to: here or through the contact form.


Click here to go back to the Front page 

This page has been updated on 05-29-2022. FB.

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